Entries by Poison Center Educators

4th of July Safety Tips

4th of July Safety Tips Sunny summer days are here! There are many seasonal activities that bring joy, excitement, and much needed rest. Follow these helpful tips to promote a safe and fun upcoming 4th of July. Fireworks contain toxic chemicals and can be dangerous if swallowed. Sparklers are the fireworks that cause the most […]

Summer PSA

  Summertime Poison Prevention As the weather and seasons change so do the types of calls to the Nebraska Regional Poison Center.  During the summer months, poison centers manage more calls about bites, stings, plants and pesticides than other times of the year. Bites and Stings: Warm weather, brightly colored clothing and backyard picnics often […]

Consejos para una temporada navideña saludable y segura

La temporada navideña es un momento de celebración y alegría con nuestros amigos y familiares. Investigaciones demuestran que el número de incidentes de envenenamiento que involucran a niños aumenta durante la temporada navideña. El Centro Regional de Envenenamiento de Nebraska les ofrece estos consejos para mantenerse seguros y prevenir intoxicaciones. • MEDICAMENTOS -Si tiene visitas […]

La naloxona puede salvar vidas

Los medicamentos opioides se recetan para tratar el dolor de condiciones medicas, las cuales a menudo, pueden ser debilitantes. Cuando los opioides se usan incorrectamente o por alguien que no tiene receta para este medicamento, pueden tener efectos potencialmente mortales. El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas y Abuso de Drogas establece que los opioides son un […]


Tips for a Safe and Healthy Holiday

The holiday season is a time for celebration and joy with our friends and families. Research shows that the number of poisoning incidents involving children rises during the holiday season. The Nebraska Regional Poison offers tips for holiday safety and poison prevention. • MEDICATIONS -If you have visitors remember that they may bring their medications. […]